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Farsley Westroyd Primary School & Nursery


Here is a Summary of the Ofsted Report November 2019:

Overall effectiveness: Good

Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good

Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Outstanding

Outcomes for pupils: Good

Early Years provision: Good

What Ofsted said about the school:

'Pupils behaviour is superb. Throughout the school, pupils attitudes to learning and manners are a stand out feature. Pupils nearly always say "please and thank you ’’,hold open doors for their friends and successfully live up to their teachers high expectations.'

'Teachers are supported extremely well by effective and committed learning support assistants. Together, they engage with pupils throughout the school day to build relationships and do their very best for every pupil in their care. There is a real bond between staff and pupils in the school.'

'Pupils develop a wide range of vocabulary. Many pupils can hold lengthy discussions about a topic or subject while using really impressive language. This is because reading is such an important part of school life. Children in the early years get off to a flying start .'

For more detailed information please read the full report. 

Parent View

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. 'Parent View' gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child's school.

"When inspecting education in independent schools, OFSTED recommend when inspection should take place but inspect at the request of the DFE. By sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve".

Please click on the link below for further information.