Home learning will be set weekly and can be found below. You can record your home learning using Tapestry or you might want to bring things in to display in class. Additionally, you will find regular poems we have been learning in class. We would love for you to share them at home.
Week 1
How have you celebrated bonfire night? Can you create a fire work picture? Maybe you can do one like the person in this video click here. All about Bonfire night. Here is a link to create a bonfire night snack!
Week 2
Can you write a letter or list to Santa? Use your scissors skills to include pictures.
Week 3
Can you practise your scissor skills? Practise cutting straight, wavy and zig zag lines.
Week 4
We have been reading the story, 'We are family' which explores different types of families. We want to find out all about your family! Who is in your family? Who is special to you?
Week 5
Can you make play dough like we do in school? What can you add to your play dough.
Week 6
Do you have a library card? Explore your local library. You could take out books or take part in an activity.
Week 5
Can you spot the signs of Autumn? Go on an Autumn walk, what can you find? Show us what you collect on Tapestry or bring it in and add to our Autumn display.
Week 6
This week we have been excited to use our playdoh area to make current buns from '5 current buns in a bakers shop'. We love measuring, stirring and combing to make the playdoh. Can you do some baking at home? What will you make?
Week 7
Can you take part in a rhyme time? This could be at your local library, at home or at a group outside of school. You could use one of our class poems to help you!
Week 8
How are you celebrating Halloween? Can you make a potion? Have you shared a Halloween story? Share your pictures.