At Westroyd we are dedicated to ensuring all of our children are fluent readers, enabling them to not only comprehend what they are reading with ease, but enjoy reading! Reading takes place throughout the school day as part of direct teaching and learning, but also for the pure purpose of enjoyment! Last weekend I cleared out my eleven-year old daughter's bedroom, reluctantly moving picture books and story books off the bookshelves at her request, to be replaced by an array of beauty products in brightly coloured bottles! Time for me to accept that she is no longer five, and she no longer wants or needs the story of the Gruffalo or Horrid Henry in her bedroom! So I arrived at school with three big boxes of books on Monday, which the teachers quickly emptied and topped up their class libraries! I therefore, have had a delightful week walking about school, seeing the children reading these new texts and telling me how much they are enjoying them!
This week we had a visit from our consultant, Grace, at the West Yorkshire Reading Hub. She comes in and supports our teaching of phonics using Read, Write, Inc. She was completely blown away by the standard of teaching by our teachers and teaching assistants and, therefore, was not surprised when we showed her the data of how well the children are doing. In Reception, Year One and Year Two we have already exceeded our end of year phonic targets! In fact, 80% of the children are working above where they should be! Which is fabulous! Miss Hollingshead is doing a super job, not only early reading but promoting phonics and reading across the whole school with strong progress being made by all.
I did chuckle this week. The week we start our much-needed roof repairs is the week that we have an almighty storm! I asked the roofers earlier in the week what the plan was for Friday, knowing the storm was on the way! The response was "We cling on!" Well, they did not work on Friday obviously, and we look forward to having them back on Monday safely!
In other news, at our request, we had a mini-check-in audit by the local authority safeguarding team this week. Although I have a long background in education safeguarding, I still think it is very sensible to regularly make sure we are doing everything we can to keep our children safe and keeping up to date with best practice! We obviously do know what we are doing and came out with top marks!
Finally, it is always great to share feedback from outside visitors. Year Two had an afternoon of skipping training from "The Skipping School" this week. This is the first step in preparation for a tournament later in the year. Which, of course, we intend to win! Jodi, the instructor, had them on it for the whole afternoon, and thought they were such a brilliant group of children/learners, that she is going to come back for free in her own time to help us achieve that goal! Fantastic Year Two, super proud!