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Farsley Westroyd Primary School & Nursery

School Day

Children who arrive after the register has been closed will be marked late and need to report to the office, to ensure that their presence in school has been noted for fire regulations. At home time children should be collected promptly. If for some reason you are going to be late picking up your child, please ring the office as soon as possible, as children become very upset when there is no one to collect them and we can reassure them that you are on your way. If someone different is going to collect your child please ensure you have notified the school office and that the teacher is aware of this as a security aspect.


Our Nursery school provision is led by a qualified teacher and runs Monday - Friday 9am - 12 and 1pm - 3pm. This provision is supported by our Wrap Around sessions which run afternoon sessions in addition to breakfast and teatime provision.  Please find contact the school office for more information about wraparound on 


Doors open at 8.45am and close at 8.50am - Doors open at 3.05pm and close at 3.15pm

KS1 & KS2

Doors open at 8.40am and close at 8.45am - Doors open at 3.10pm and close at 3.15pm.            


As part of the Government's School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, each child in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2 receives a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day. All children are encouraged to try the fruit or vegetable therefore it is important that you advise us of any allergies your child may have.

Children in Years 3 to Year 6 are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for break time such as fruit, veg, plain cereal bar or bread sticks rather than crisps, sweets or chocolate. 

Milk is provided for all children up to the age of five.  Parents can choose to order and pay for milk in other year groups. This is free for children eligible for a free school meal. Parents need to set up an account with coolmilk and order and pay online.