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Farsley Westroyd Primary School & Nursery

Year 4


Each week we will be keeping you up to date with a "Wow of the Week". In addition to this, please read our half termly curriculum map to find out what will be happening in Year 4.

Important information

PE - Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days and these days only. 

Books - Change books on Friday. Your child will come home with 2 new reading books and a library book every Friday. Please make sure you have been reading at home at least three times a week. Please record any reading you have done in your reading diary. Your reading diary must always be in your bookbag so that we can read with you in school. 

Spellings - New spellings will be set every Friday.  Please check the homework tab every Friday for your child's spelling list. Spelling tests will take place the following Friday.


Spring 2

Week 2

In art this week, we put into practice our printing techniques and created a large final piece with our groups. We had to think carefully about the designs we would make and also the different types of printing. 

And of course, it was World Book Day on Thursday! We enjoyed coming to school in our pyjamas, giving each other book recommendations and even getting to meet George Webster as he came to tell us about his new book release.

Week 1

This week, we have been working hard in writing, where we are creating a third-person narrative based on our class novel, Anglo-Saxon Boy. We are recreating the ending of the story where the Anglo-Saxons fight the Vikings in 1066. We are enjoying using our descriptive language and direct speech.

Our focus at the moment in maths is fractions, which we are really enjoying. This week, we learnt about what an improper fraction is and how to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers.

We have also begun our new geography topic for this half term, which is 'Where does our food come from?'. This week, we learnt about food choices that affect the environment and what we can do to help. Ideas we came up with were to eat meat less often and to buy fruit and vegetables that are locally produced.


Spring 1

Week 6

What a busy final week of this half term we have had in Year 4! We completed our History unit all about the Anglo-Saxons, learning about the four claimants to the throne after Edward the Confessor died. We had a bias for Harold Godwinson, as we have been reading all about him in our class novel, Anglo-Saxon Boy. We were thrilled when we found out that he indeed became the next king. That was until we found out he was later killed by one of his rivals, William the Conqueror, who then ended the Anglo-Saxon era.

We took part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday where we learnt all about how to spot a scam and what to do when things on the internet make us feel uncomfortable. 

We ended the week in another Times Table Rockstar Battle. It was a tense final that Lucas and Manvir from our class made it into! The champion this time around was Manvir, who had the chance to battle our reigning TTR champion, Harvey.

Week 5

For Children's Mental Health Week, we took part in some special activities this week. The theme of the week this year is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself', so in class we created our own islands of personality that represent who we are, just like Riley in the film 'Inside Out'. This gave us the opportunity to appreciate what is good about our personalities and what makes us happy. We have also begun our February Kindness Calendar, which suggests one act of kindness we should carry out each day.

On Thursday, we had a visit from Rosie the Dog. Rosie is a Pets for Therapy Dog and her owner, Carolyn, explained to us all about what Rosie does to help people feel calm and why she visits us in school. We were all able to give Rosie some love and some of us even had the chance to practice her commands with her and give her a treat.

On Friday, we had a non-uniform day, where we were able to wear things that express our personalities. There were lots of sparkles, light-up hats and football kits shown off in Year 4. We love getting to celebrate who we are!

Week 4

This week, we have been drafting our diary entry in writing as if we are the archaeologists that dug up the Anglo-Saxon artefacts discovered at Sutton Hoo. To ensure it is captivating, we included a variety of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and emotive language.

We are really enjoying our PE lessons with Brad from Leeds Rhinos this half term. His lessons are all focused on tag rugby. This week, we were learning all about how to effectively defend and also how to work as a team to score a try.

On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed our sheep point reward which we earned earlier this week. The reward we decided on together was a party/karaoke afternoon. We played some classic party games and sung along to our favourite songs. We are working hard on our class targets to reach our next goal now!

Week 3

In maths this week, we have been learning all about division. We have been using place value counters and part-whole models to help us work out divisions, some even with remainders. 

We learnt about Anglo-Saxon settlements in history, and even had the chance to make our own version. We used the wattle and daub approach. Anglo-Saxons would wattle with twigs to weave the structure and daub which used mud to fill the gaps of the wall. Our own mini version reflected this using pipe cleaners and clay!

Week 2

This week in Year 4, we got to experience our own archaeological dig just like Sutton Hoo. We found all kinds of Anglo-Saxon artefacts, from a golden necklace to parts of a letter written by an Anglo-Saxon king! 

We also enjoyed science this week, creating our own classification keys. We played guess the animal with our learning partners, asking scientifical yes/no questions to reveal the criteria.

Week 1

What a chilly start to the new term! We did not let the weather stop us from learning though. We have started our new topic of the Anglo-Saxons, learning about why they originally came to Britain. We also learnt about the discovery at Sutton Hoo, where a lady had found an Anglo-Saxon ship belonging to a king buried underneath the mounds at her house. We could not believe the treasures that were discovered! 

We also became familiarised with a very important concept in maths this week - multiplication using the column method. There is no stopping us from calculating any multiplication now!

Autumn 2

Week 7

What a jam-packed week we had to finish off the Autumn term! Here are our top highlights from the week:

  • Christmas party and a visit from Santa!
  • Carols on the yard - we have some future pop stars in Year 4. A special well done to Elizabeth and Harvey for their duet and to the boys group for their song.
  • But the ultimate highlight has to be our swimming sessions! Everybody learned so much in the short space of a week and the staff at Armley Leisure Centre were amazed by our behaviour. Huge well done to Year 4 for representing Westroyd so well!

Week 6

We have had a jam-packed week here in Year 4. Our highlight has to be our local walk to Westroyd Park. This was part of our geography fieldwork where we compared the use of our local park to the use of the Amazon rainforest. We discovered that most people go to Westroyd Park to walk their dogs, and it was a surprise to even see Rosie the Dog enjoying a walk at the park too!#

In DT this week, we worked on building pavilions. Inspired by the World Expo pavilions, we first attempted building a variety of frame structures using toothpicks and midget gems. We experimented what sort of shape we wanted our actual pavilion to be and how we could make it stable and strong. Then, we planned and created our pavilions in groups and produced some brilliant pavilions that would perhaps be worthy of participating in the World Expo.

Week 5

Our writing focus this week has been writing a rainforest poem. We have been applying our use of similes and expanded noun phrases to effectively describe the rainforest. We also wrote a letter to the president of Brazil in geography to raise awareness of looking after the Amazon rainforest. We used brilliant persuasive language to ensure that something is done to look after our world!

One of our highlights this week was taking part in a performing arts workshop. We learned about freeze frames and represented some every scenarios in our teams. See if you can figure out what we are in the images below!



Week 4

This week, we have enjoyed completing our first multiplication and division unit of the year. We have been learning methods to help us remember our times tables, which will come in very useful for our multiplication check later in Year 4.

We have enjoyed our glockenspiel lessons in music too, where we began learning how to play 'You are my sunshine'.

This week has also been full of crafts in Year 4. We made our enterprise crafts ready to sell at the Christmas fair next week and also made our lanterns for the Farsley Light Switch On. Thank you to everyone who attended the switch on, it was so lovely to see so many of you there!

Week 3

It has been a chilly week at Westroyd this week, but on Tuesday we enjoyed playing in the snow with our friends at lunchtime! Even some of the teachers joined in on the fun.

We have been working really hard on learning our 7 and 11 times tables this week in maths. Our resilience and collaboration will help us prepare well for our Multiplication Check later in the year.

In geography, we have been learning about the different layers of the rainforest and what organisms would live in each particular area. We love getting to be able to link our learning as we have been recognising vocabulary that we have also seen in writing, reading and science lessons!


Week 2

We enjoyed learning about multiples of 3, 6 and 9 this week in maths. We now know that the digit sum of a number tells us if it is a multiple of 3 and also how to calculate larger multiplications. We will be multiplication pros by the end of Year 4!

We started our first hockey lesson this week, learning how to hold the stick and control the ball when passing. 

This week, we also took part in Anti-Bullying Week. We wore odd socks to school on Tuesday and also had a class discussion on the importance of respect.

Week 1

This week, we really enjoyed learning all about area in maths. We discovered that area means the amount of space taken up by a 2-D shape. We found the area by counting the amount of squares, but we know that Miss Knight-Francis likes efficient mathematicians so we tried to find a quicker solution. We discovered that multiplication can help us find the area of 2-D shapes. That's even more of an excuse to practice on TTR!

In history, we learned all about the illnesses that children might have caught during the Tudor and Victorian times. This made us realise how lucky we are now to live in a healthy environment!

Science taught us all about food chains. Our food for thought was that the producer (i.e. the plant) is the most important part of the food chain. Why do you think that may be?

Autumn 1

Week 8

What an end to the half term we have had in Year 4! We have taken part in several exciting activities this week. Let's begin with the lantern making on Monday. We took part in a workshop creating lanterns that will be used in the parade at the Farsley Light Switch On. Thank you to Farsley Community Project for helping us with this!

On Wednesday, we took part in a Skipping School session. We learnt lots of different types of individual skips and also took part in a long rope activity as a class. We absolutely loved getting to learn these new skills which helped build our resilience and stamina. Thank you to Adele at Skipping School for teaching us these skills.

Finally, we dressed up as rockstars on Friday to battle it out on TTR against Year 3. We worked really hard to try and get the most correct answers... and we won! Well done to Harvey, Misha, Lucas and Manvir for making it into the top 4 to battle it out as champion. The ultimate TTR champion this time around was... Harvey. Not only did he achieve the most correct answers in Y3/4, but he also won against Mr Popple, our maths lead. Huge well done to Harvey!

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Week 7

Our highlight of this week in Year 4 has been science. We have been learning about the different types of teeth and importance of looking after them. We carried out an experiment where we investigated the effects of different liquids on teeth. To discover the effects, we placed eggs inside 4 different liquids on Wednesday and left them for a couple days. On Friday, we took the eggs out of the liquids and had a go at brushing the eggshells just like teeth. We could not believe how some of the eggs looked (and smelt!). The egg left in vinegar had become squishy and the egg left in an energy drink had froth all over! 

This week, we also enjoyed two whole-school events. The welly walk on Monday was a success, raising lots of money for our classes. Then we visited the church for our Harvest Service on Thursday, singing some of our favourite songs and hearing about why it is important that we help others in need. 

Week 6

What a week we have had in Year 4! Let's start off with our highlight. On Tuesday, we walked into a stinky classroom. We decided to carry out an investigation which led us to finding food waste left all hidden in the cupboards. No wonder it stunk so much! We have our suspicions on who may have left the stink but we are still on the hunt to find the culprit. To do this, Year 4 have decided to write our own newspaper reports in order to spread the word across Westroyd.

On Thursday, it was Wear Yellow Day. This was to celebrate World Mental Health Day. We created a badge for our learning partner which listed all the amazing things about them.

Then Friday brought Westroyd's Heritage Day. We were lucky enough to take part in a workshop with Mr Jones who taught us how to draw a Merino sheep. We also learned all about the journey of Merino wool from Australia to Farsley and why the sheep on our school badge is so special.

Week 5

This week in Year 4, we could not believe that a child from the Tudor era came to see us! His name was Henry and he told us all about his life during the Tudor times. He explained that he lived with his master and worked all day long in order to earn money for his family. His working conditions did not sound too pleasant!

We also had Equilibria visit us this week. We were able to learn about different artefacts that are important to Muslims and played a little memory game to see how many of them we could remember.

Week 4

We have really enjoyed learning about roman numerals in maths this week and have made numbers up to 100 using them! We also started learning how to round. We love the rhyme that helps us remember how to round. 1 to 4, down on the floor. 5 to 9, climb the vine!

We have also begun to write our very own setting descriptions based on the Victorian streets in Oliver. We have been thinking carefully about the fives senses we would describe and how we can effectively describe them. We achieve this through the use of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and lots of descriptive language!

Week 3

In writing this week, we have been practicing our key skills (fronted adverbials and coordinating conjunctions) ready for our setting description we will soon be writing.

We really enjoyed getting to learn about the digestive system in science this week. It was quite strange seeing images of the body parts inside of us that process our food every day!

Week 2

This week, we learned all about why the light of Hannukah is so important to Jews. We were able to create our own dreidels, which is what Jews used to learn the Hebrew letters. This allowed them to learn about the Torah when they were living under the rule of the Syrian Greeks.

We also worked on our place value in maths this week. We focused on representing and partitioning numbers to 10,000. 

Week 1

Wow, what a way to start the year! We have come back to Westroyd with excellent learning behaviours and looking impressively smart. We are proud to be Westroyders. We have such an exciting year ahead in Year 4!

This week, we learnt about British Values. We learnt what they mean and the importance of them all. We listed each of the five British Values on our very own handprints and listed how each of the British Values are significant in our own lives.

We also learnt all about the Protected Characteristics. We were able to understand why each protected characteristic is important in order to have a fair society. To help our understanding, we acted out scenarios where each protected characteristic was being discriminated and what we could do to make the situation fair.

In maths, we re-familiarised ourselves with numbers to 1,000 - representing and partitioning them as well as labelling number lines up to 1,000.

Year 4 have enjoyed discovering our new class text for the half term - Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. We made predictions based on the front cover and the blurb, wondering why there might be circus related images and vocabulary.